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Faculty Mentoring Program

The Department of Surgery Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP) has been designed to help faculty succeed in their careers at the UCSF School of Medicine through the development and implementation of a robust career plan. The program aims to facilitate the development and retention of highly competent and successful scholars, educators and clinicians.

We have set up a comprehensive onboarding program to get your career off to a great start. Initially, we will schedule a meeting with you, Dr. Emily Finlayson, Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs and Development, and your division chief.

Start working on this now – you will only get busier! 

Identification of a Mentor Team

Effective mentoring is key to your professional success and will accelerate your creativity and accomplishment. A well rounded mentor team should include a research mentor to advise you on the development of your research and creative activity, a clinical mentor who will help your development as a clinical surgeon and build your practice or for research faculty, to develop your translational and collaborative clinical research portfolio, and a career advisor who can review your overall academic progress and serve as an impartial advocate.

Research Mentor

  • Advises on design of research development plan
  • Reviews grants, manuscripts and abstracts before submission
  • Identifies appropriate professional activities 

Clinical Mentor

  • Advises on how to build a physician practice
  • Monitors clinical development/OR coaching
  • Provides opportunities in national societies/committees
  • For research faculty, advice on translational and collaborative research opportunities 

Career Advisor

  • Helps mentee understand and navigate UCSF as an institution
  • Reviews overall academic progress
  • Serves as the mentee’s impartial career advocate. 
  • See Selecting a Mentor

Mentor Responsibilities 

  • The Research Mentor will meet with the mentee at least three times a year and focus on helping the faculty member create and execute a plan for developing expertise and achieving excellence within the mentee’s area of primary interest. 
  • The Clinical Mentor will meet with the mentee at least annually to formally review clinical development. For research-only faculty, provide guidance in collaboration with clinical faculty. 
  • The Career Mentor will meet with the mentee at least annually and play a key role in helping the faculty member negotiate their long-range professional goals.

Selecting a Mentor

Mentee Responsibilities

  • Be proactive in seeking advice and assistance
  • Establish a reasonable meeting schedule with all mentors
  • Meet output deadlines, including manuscripts, grant applications, and local and national presentations
  • Provide timely and honest feedback regarding the Mentoring Program’s effectiveness. 


  • Annual meeting with the Department Chair, Dr. Sosa, Dr. Finlayson, and your Division Chief.
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